With this class, you can learn some upbeat K words used in daily touch. Our reason is to address nearly all kids from other grades. Whether your kid is a toddler, a preschooler, or in kindergarten, this study supports all equally. We explain each K-word numerous understandably so a layperson could understand. Buoyant vocabulary words that start with k can be a great complement to your child’s store of words. This lesson combines some easy K words and slowly moves to a more elevated level.
- Kangaroo
- Kitchen
- Keyboard
- King
- Knowledge
- Knot
- Kindergarten
- Kite
- Knight
- Kiss
- Keen
- Kitten
- Kettle
- Kernel
- Kick
- Kilometer
- Kidnap
- Ketchup
- Kingdom
- Kleenex
These are just a few examples; many more words start with the letter "K" in English.