Kids Vocabulary

Kid's vocabulary typically develops and expands as they grow and learn. Here are some common Kids vocabulary words and concepts that are often part of a child's vocabulary at different stages of their development:

  1. Infants (0-12 months):
    • Basic sounds like "mama," "dada," and "baba."
    • Simple words like "milk," "diaper," "blanket," and "toy."
    • Expressions of needs like "hungry," "thirsty," and "tired."
  1. Toddlers (1-3 years):
    • Nouns for common objects: "ball," "car," "dog," "cat," "shoe."
    • Action words: "run," "jump," "eat," "sleep," "play."
    • Pronouns: "I," "you," "me," "mine," "yours."
    • Basic adjectives: "big," "small," "red," "blue," "happy," and "sad."
  1. Preschoolers (3-5 years):
    • Expanded vocabulary and sentence structure.
    • Colors and shapes: "red," "circle," "square."
    • Family members: "mom," "dad," "brother," "sister."
    • Animals and their sounds: "dog," "cat," "moo," "woof."
    • Simple prepositions: "in," "on," "under."
    • Numbers and counting: "one," "two," "three," "count."
  1. Early Elementary (6-8 years):
    • More complex words and concepts.
    • Days of the week and months: "Monday," "January."
    • Basic math terms: "add," "subtract," "multiply," and "divide."
    • Common verbs: "read," "write," "draw," and "sing."
    • Geography terms: "city," "country," "ocean," "mountain."
  1. Late Elementary (9-11 years):
    • Advanced vocabulary and abstract concepts.
    • Synonyms and antonyms: "happy" and "joyful," "hot," and "cold."
    • Science and nature terms: "photosynthesis," "erosion," and "constellation."
    • History and social studies terms: "revolution," "constitution," and "government."
    • More complex math and science concepts: "algebra," "gravity," "density."
  1. Middle School (12-14 years):
    • Vocabulary continues to expand.
    • Literary terms: "metaphor," "symbolism," "foreshadowing."
    • Advanced math concepts: "geometry," "trigonometry," "probability."
    • Technology terms: "computer," "internet," "programming."
  1. High School (15-18 years):
    • Extensive vocabulary and subject-specific terms.
    • College and career-related terms: "scholarship," "resume," and "interview."
    • Advanced science and literature terms: "biochemistry," "existentialism," and "satire."
    • Political and economic terms: "democracy," "inflation," "foreign policy."

Children's vocabulary development is gradual, and the above list is a general guideline. Individual children may learn words and concepts at their own pace and in a different order. Reading, conversations, and educational activities play a significant role in expanding a child's vocabulary.